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Is the home value estimate free?

Yes, it's free. We don't charge for our home value estimate or best listing price suggestion. Everything remains free until you sign a listing agreement with us.

How do you calculate the value of a house?

We start by asking you some questions, and we give you a starting estimate using our algorithm. But every home is unique and a simple algorithm is not enough. If you send us some pictures and extra info about your home, we'll give you a better estimate for free and without any obligations. You can do this on our website or app.

I disagree with the price of the home value estimate

We're sorry to hear that. Every home is unique, and we're totally aware that a simple algorithm is not enough. Share some photos and additional details about your home, and we'll provide a more accurate estimate at no cost and with no obligations. Moreover, keep in mind that some real estate agents tend to inflate home value estimates and listing prices since their commission is a percentage of the sale. At Casavo, we're aligned with your goals and suggest the best price without this conflict of interest.

What if I put wrong or incomplete information about my house?

If you've completed the home value estimate process, simply wait for our call. If you've already signed a listing agreement with us, reach out via email or phone.

Still some doubts?

No problem, contact us whenever you want.

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