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Terms and conditions

1. Overview; Scope of application

  1. The following terms and conditions (“General Terms and Conditions”) govern the use of the services (“Services”) offered by Casavo Management S.p.A., 10 Via Elia Lombardini, 20143 Milano (Italy), registered with the Register of Companies of Milano under no. 10053290960, REA no. MI-2501133 (“Casavo”,”we”), through the website (“Website”), and, where applicable, through the Casavo mobile application (“App”), to users interested in buying or selling real estate (“Users”, or in the singular “User”, as well as “you”). It is understood that any additional services, such as the “Casavo Visite” application, are governed by specific terms and conditions to which reference is made.
  2. The General Terms and Conditions set forth herein also apply to services provided by other companies of the Casavo group, which will be involved from time to time in providing the Services. This includes in particular the local Casavo branches in the countries where the User’s property is located. Agreements with such companies, especially those relating to real estate contracts, shall be subject to additional terms and conditions to be agreed between the User and the other companies of the Casavo group (“Casavo Group”).

2. Subject-matter

  1. Casavo makes available to Users some Services for the sale and purchase of real estate, as well as a number of complementary services, as described below.
  2. For the purposes of providing the Services and to optimize the User’s experience, Casavo may make use of other companies of the Casavo Group or of third parties.
  3. Casavo is interested in assessing the purchase of real estate from individuals who have legal capacity, as well as from legal entities. Only persons of legal age can use the Services. The use of the Services by minors is permitted on condition that theirs parents or guardian state and/or express such intention, in accordance with the laws in force. In the case of legal entities, any statements must be made by a person with the necessary authority to represent the legal entity.
  4. Unless otherwise and expressly specified, the use of the Services accessible through the Website and the App is free of charge. However, the use of the Internet, of Apps, computers or mobile devices to access and browse the Internet may involve costs for Users and the obligation to pay fees to Internet or telephony service providers, according to the agreements entered into with them.
  5. Users are not required to register in order to use the Website and the App. If, however,you want to use certain Services, such as the online valuation of your property, we willask you for some personal data and specific information, as specified in detail in Article 3 here in after. If you intend to sell your property, we will ask you to provide us withadditional preliminary information prior to undertaking any buying and selling activityas specified in detail in Article 4 hereinafter

3. Valuation of the property

  1. Through the property valuation service (available here) interested Users receive a free and non-binding valuation of their property.
  2. For the purpose of providing the service, Users are required to provide some personal and contact data (name, address, e-mail address, etc.), as well as some information relating to the property (e.g., address, type, legal status of the property, size, energy class, type of heating, appurtenances, conditions of the property, etc.) with the possibility of uploading a floor plan of the property in question. The information requested may change from time to time depending on developments in the service and shall be processed on the basis of the provisions contained in the Casavo Privacy Policy (
  3. The information listed in the previous paragraph is used by Casavo in order to consider a purchase of the property. If we are interested in the property, we will proceed in accordance with the provisions of the following Article 4 of these General Terms and Conditions. If we are not interested in the property or if the property is located in an area where we do not offer our services, all the information regarding the property shall be transferred to Casavo’s commercial partners (e.g. agencies, real estate franchisees, etc.), provided that the user has consented to the processing of data by third parties.

4. Purchase and sale procedure

  1. All relevant information of a property shall be processed by Casavo. Following yourrequest for valuation, if you are interested in receiving a purchase offer for yourproperty, Casavo shall carry out a free inspection of the property to check that theproperty is consistent with the information provided and is compatible with Casavoinvestment policies; Casavo will also take photographs and perform all activities that arenecessary for the purchase. If we are interested, you will receive a binding offer subjectto the condition precedent that a successful due diligence be performed by Casavo onthe property. If the outcome is successful, Casavo shall confirm its offer (or modify it if,following the due diligence, any discrepancies is found with respect to the informationprovided) and proceed with the transaction. In this case, we will ask you to sign a privateagreement to be authenticated by a notary of the place where your property is located.In particular, a date for release of the property and other necessary details shall beagreed in said agreement, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Once you have entered the requested information, we will send you anacknowledgement of receipt to the e-mail address you provided. Your entering theinformation shall be considered as an invitation to Casavo to formulate a purchaseproposal in the manner described above. However, we reserve the right not to follow upwith a request, and in any case no right exists, nor will any right arise for you to enterinto an agreement with us or with any other company of the Casavo Group.
  3. All data and additional information provided by the User, especially the informationpertaining to the User and the property, must be complete, correct and truthful. Youmust inform us immediately of any change in the information you provided, such asyour address or name. In case of false or incomplete information, Casavo shall be entitled to exclude the User from using the Services and/or to immediately interrupt thepurchase procedure, without prejudice to any legal remedies available.
  4. The User warrants that any information that will be provided by us during the purchaseprocedure shall be used exclusively by the User and for the purposes governed by theseGeneral Terms and Conditions.
  5. Unless expressly agreed with us, the User may request only one offer for each property.Multiple requests sent for the same property shall be refused.6. Any sale of real estate is subject to notary fees, taxes, duties and further payments tothird parties, in accordance with the law in force. You understand and are aware thatsuch payments may become due, and you agree to make such payments to the partiesfrom time to time entitled to receive them, in accordance with the law in force.

5. Ads Platform

  1. The ads platform is a section of the website that is made available by Casavo to Userswho are looking to buy a property (“Ads Platform”).
  2. The purpose of the Ads Platform is to promote the sale of Casavo’s properties and ofproperties advertised by real estate agents (pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 below)and Casavo assumes no liability for the ads placed by said agents.
  3. If a User is interested in any of the properties on the Ads Platform, such User may: (a)call the displayed number for more information, or (b) fill in the request for informationform providing any mandatory information (which shall be processed in accordance withthe Privacy Policy By contacting the real estateagents, the User acknowledges and accepts that his or her personal data shall beprocessed by the real estate agents in question and that Casavo shall not be involved inthose relationships.
  4. The use of the platform functions involves the possibility of saving data such as advertisements, searches and search criteria, upon specific activation by the user (click on the “save search” button). This makes it possible to provide the user with content similar to the saved searches, queries and interests, either by e-mail or in another communication mode specified otherwise.

6. Doris Platform

  1. Doris is the platform – which can be accessed at the following URL( – dedicated to real estate agents (natural or legalpersons) who wish to collaborate with Casavo or publish their ads for free on the AdsPlatform. Access to the Doris Platform is reserved for persons authorized to practice asreal estate brokers only while the general public is excluded. The platform is onlyavailable for agents who carry on business in the cities where Casavo’s offices arelocated (i.e. Milano, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, Rome).
  2. Registration implies entering some information on the activity carried out (city, agencyname, company name, VAT number, etc.) and the process is completed withauthorization to use the platform after Casavo has checked the information provided.Once the real estate agents have registered in the dedicated section of the Website, theywill have to wait to be enabled by Casavo which verifies all the information entered intothe Website.
  3. Real estate agents who have completed the registration and set up their credentials(according to the instructions provided on the Website), will be able to access theplatform and publish their ads by filling in a set of predefined and mandatory fields(address of the property, type, layout, surface area, etc.). Real estate agents agree tokeep their credentials safe and not to disclose them under any circumstances tounauthorized third parties.
  4. Before being published, the ads are reviewed by Casavo which checks their quality. It is understood that Casavo is entitled to permanently or temporarily cancel the ads inthe event of breach of the provisions of paragraph 7 below or of other provisions inthese General Terms and Conditions, of the laws in force, or – in any case – in order toavoid any detriment to Casavo and/or its subsidiaries.
  5. In order to use the service and publish real estate ads on the Website and on the App,the real estate agent hereby authorizes Casavo to use all the contents, images,trademarks, logos, videos, texts that are published on the Website and on the App. It isagreed that no consideration shall be due by Casavo to the real estate agent for theabove-mentioned authorization.
  6. Real estate agents declare and warrant that they have received appropriate mandate tosell and promote the properties through the Website and/or the App.
  7. Real estate agents undertake to comply with the legislation on the protection of personaldata and to fulfil the information obligations stipulated in articles 12, 13 and 14 ofRegulation (EU) 2016/679.
  8. Real estate agents undertake not to publish ads or other postings on the Website and/orthe App: (i) that are contrary to laws or regulations, public decency, public order or thatprejudice the respect and honour of third parties; or (ii) that infringe third-party rightsof any kind (including, by way of example, the right to protect one’s image, the right toprivacy, as well as intellectual property rights); or (iii) that breach the General Terms andConditions.
  9. The real estate agent, being fully and exclusively liable in the event of breach of theprovisions of paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article 6, releases Casavo from any civil,administrative and criminal liability resulting from the publication of ads on the Websiteand on the App. More specifically, the real estate agent undertakes to indemnify Casavofrom any prejudice, loss, damage, liability, cost, charge or expense, including legal fees,that arise from claims or actions brought by third parties, in any venue and for anyreason, as a result of ads published by the real estate agent on the Website or the Appor of other improper use of the Website or the App.
  10. Real estate agents can independently modify only the information in the ad that pertainsto the non-structural characteristics of the property(e.g., price, description, photos andfloor plan). Conversely, for any change in the information in the ads concerning thestructural characteristics of the property (e.g., address, number of rooms, size, etc.), thereal estate agent has to write an e-mail to the following [email protected], specifying the changes to be made. Real estate agentsare given the possibility of proposing the sale of some properties to Casavo by filling inthe appropriate form.
  11. On the basis of separate agreements in place between Casavo and the real estate agents,data of previous sales may be made available by real estate agents on the Doris Platform(i.e., data on the property and sale price). Any personal data shall be anonymised by thereal estate agents.
  12. Casavo reserves the right to prevent or prohibit or suspend, at any time and withoutnotice, access to the Doris Platform, both to real estate agents for the publication ofads, and to Users for use of those ads.

6bis. Personal area

  1. To access Casavo’s online services, a personal area is made available to users on its website, which can be accessed by registration, that is, by creating a personal account from the registration page provided. It is possible to register via Gmail ID (e-mail) and a password. The user is responsible for the correctness and truthfulness, as well as the safekeeping of login credentials and web activities traceable to his/her identity.
  2. The user guarantees Casavo direct, personal, and exclusive use of his/her account, as well as to keep his/her login credentials confidential and personal. At the same time immediately notifying Casavo of any theft, loss, unauthorized access or other similar suspicious, illicit or otherwise unanticipated conduct by the user himself/herself regarding the use of the same credentials as well as, in general, through his/her account and reserved area.
  3. The User thus provides Casavo, where required by law, with a free, non-exclusive, transferable license, for the Italian territory, for the entire duration of use of his/her account, about the publication, reproduction and communication to the public (including making available to the public) of the data, information and content entered or otherwise uploaded through his/her reserved area. The extent of visibility to the public or other users of such data will be highlighted to the user on a case-by-case basis on the Casavo website.
  4. For the purpose of the above, the User warrants and holds Casavo harmless from any liability or claim of third parties in connection with the use of its personal area and related access credentials.
  5. The User may at any time, upon simple request to Casavo, delete his/her account, aware of the loss thereby of all data, content and information published or otherwise entered therein.

7. User obligations; Rights of Use; Third Party Rights

  1. To the extent that the User provides Casavo with content relating to the property (suchas images, texts, information etc., collectively defined as the “Content”), the User shallbe exclusively liable for the information provided and its accuracy. The User grants Casavo the non-exclusive right to use the Content without geographical limitations andthrough all the means of communication that Casavo wishes to use (including but notlimited to, Internet and electronic communication networks, through any fixed or mobiledevice), such right being granted in order to enable the User to use the services offeredby Casavo for the entire period in which the User wishes to use the services as well asto enable Casavo to provide those services, including the right to reproduce, distribute,exhibit, publicly display (including the right to make available online), modify andcombine the Content (or any part thereof) with other content and communicationmaterials, to analyse and assess the Content and data (including the right to analysedata and texts, for market research purposes, as well as the right to transfer or assignsuch rights to companies of the Casavo Group or to third parties). These rights shallsurvive even after expiration of the contract with Casavo, in accordance with dataretention obligations and in any case to fulfil legal obligations.
  2. Casavo has the right to keep and use the Content provided by, or on behalf of, the User(including all data relating to the property, raw data, statistical data, metadata, etc.) andshall not link the Content to the User.
  3. The Users declares being the owner of the entire Content or that he or she has acquiredall relevant rights relating to the Content (for example from photographers) and that theuse of the Content by the User or by Casavo does not infringe any intellectual propertylaws in force nor any third-party rights.
  4. In using our Website, our App and our Services, the User undertakes and warrants thathe or she will comply with the laws in force. More specifically, the User:
    • a: shall not disclose any unlawful, illicit, defamatory, pornographic or obscene orotherwise inappropriate information, including information relating to violence,terrorism or hate speech in any form;
    • b: shall respect the laws in force, including on intellectual property and taxmatters;
    • c. shall not use the platform and our services to send spam or other illegaladvertising.

8. Data protection

Casavo processes the personal data of Users in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 on theprotection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (“GDPR”), as well aswith the national legislation in force on the protection of personal data and with the decisionsof the Italian Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. More information on the processingof personal data is contained in the dedicated Privacy Policy, available on the Website(

9. Representations and Warranties

  1. You represent and warrant (i) that you are entitled and have the necessary authorizationsto request and use the Services; (ii) that the Services will be used for legitimate businesspurposes only; (iii) that all the information and personal data provided are complete,truthful and correct; (iv) that you are responsible for your own system requirements(hardware, software, etc.) and your Internet access; (v) that the Content does not containviruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, logic bombs, cancelbots, and / or other computerprogramming routines that could even potentially damage or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer or network or database, prevent or hinder access to theWebsite, App or Services or to any data or adversely interfere in any way with Casavo’sbusiness or infrastructure; (vi) that you will not to carry out, directly or indirectly, anyspamming, phishing or other contact, impression or marketing activities that areimproper, deceptive, or illegal and in any case likely to harass users and connected toany Casavo Website, App or Service; (vii) that you will not modify, translate, decompile,create derivative works of, copy, distribute, disassemble, transmit, send, publish,remove or alter any proprietary notice or label, grant any license or sub-license on,assign, sell, represent, formulate, exploit, rent or lease, place private labels on, grant awarranty relating to the use of, or otherwise commercially use the Website, the App orparts thereof (including any pages, texts, images, descriptions, audiovisual content andworks therein reproduced); (viii) that you have understood that any sale or purchase issubject to the execution of a final and binding contract and to the formalities required by the legislation in force;
  2. The real estate agents and other parties acting as professional Users also declare thatthey are acting in the course of business and that, therefore, the provisions of LegislativeDecree no. 206 of 06 September 2005 (“Consumer Code”) do not apply to the contractualrelationship with Casavo;
  3. Casavo does not warrant:
    • a. that a sales contract will actually be signed following the interest shown in aproperty;
    • b. the content and results of the online valuation. The online valuation of theproperties offered for sale is intended to provide accurate and realistic marketprices, based on the algorithm developed by Casavo, but it does not purport toprovide an objective price, nor can it be interpreted by the User as Casavo’sundertaking that the estimated price will actually be obtained.
  4. The above guaranteed by the User is also valid and applicable to the use of the reserved area on the Casavo website, with relative access credentials, especially with regard to data provided, content uploaded, conduct maintained on the same website.

10. Limitation of Liability

  1. Casavo shall not be liable: (i) for incidental or consequential damage or for damage dueto the malfunctioning of applications and in particular for any damage to Users exceptfor conduct directly attributable to Casavo; (ii) for damage suffered by Users due to sucherrors, viruses and/or operating defects; (iii) for the malfunctioning of the servicesoffered caused by faults in telephone lines, electricity lines, online transmission tools,overloads, interruptions or any cause that is not dependent on Casavo’s conduct; (iv) foruse of the Website, the App and the Services by Users or by third parties in breach ofapplicable laws or regulations; (v) for the contents and services placed on third-partywebsites that may be accessed by Users through the links placed in the Website or theApp;
  2. These provisions, as well as all the clauses of these General Terms and Conditionscontaining exclusions or limitations of liability of Casavo or its related parties, must beunderstood in the widest and most extensive sense possible, but apply only to the extentpermitted by the law and regulations applicable in the User’s country of residence. Inany case, they do not apply in case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, whendamage consists of an injury to physical integrity or health and in the event that theactions of Casavo or its agents constitute a breach of obligations arising from publicorder laws and regulations.

11. Indemnity clause

By using the Website or the App, Users indemnify and hold harmless Casavo and the othercompanies of the Casavo Group, as well as their directors, employees and agents against anyloss, direct and indirect damage, liability, cost, expense (including legal fees), compensationobligation alleged or claimed by third parties and arising from: (i) the use of and access to theWebsite, the App or the Services by Users; (ii) the breach by Users of any provision of the GeneralTerms and Conditions; and (iii) the breach by Users of any third-party right, including withoutlimitation any right to privacy, right to the protection of image and likeness or intellectualproperty right. The indemnification obligations shall survive the period of use of the Website,the App or the Services by Users until all rights and possible related actions have becomedefinitely time-barred. This is without prejudice to what is elsewhere provided in these GeneralTerms and Conditions.

12. Suspension and changes to the App and/or Services

Casavo shall make every reasonable effort to keep the Website or the App operational at alltimes. However, from time to time, technical difficulties, related for example to the nature of theInternet, could cause an interruption in accessibility to the Website or the App. Furthermore, wereserve the right to limit the availability of the Website or the App (i) if necessary to protect theirproper functioning, as well as the security and integrity of our servers, the integrity of rights ofCasavo, of Casavo’s licensors, of Users or of third parties, (ii) to perform maintenance on theWebsite or the App.Casavo reserves the right to make changes to the Website or the App in order to introduce newServices and/or improve existing Services, their accessibility and/or their operation, possiblyalso by amending these General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the provisions inArticle 18 below.Casavo reserves the right to inhibit or prohibit or suspend, at any time and without notice, accessto the Website or the App.

13. Confidentiality

Users are required to keep confidential any information that has been expressly declared asbeing confidential, or which is such by its nature, including Casavo’s economic and commercialsecrets, and not to make such confidential information accessible to third parties withoutCasavo’s prior consent.

14. Intellectual Property

Users are aware of and accept that the Services may include materials and information protectedby copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights.Therefore, Users undertake to respect these rights and not to undermine in any way theirexercise by their legitimate owners.Casavo reserves the right to prevent the use of the Website and the App and the Services byUsers who infringe the intellectual property rights of others.The Website and the App are protected by the laws on copyright, registered trademarks, designsand models, domain names and/or on other industrial and intellectual property rights and arethe property of Casavo.All registered trademarks, service marks, registered names, domain names and any otherfeatures of the Casavo trademark or of other trademarks included in the Website or the App arethe exclusive property of Casavo or its licensors. The User is not authorized to use thetrademarks of Casavo or of third parties published on the Website or the App for personal orcommercial use. Furthermore, any use of the contents and images of the Website or the App forpromotional or commercial use is prohibited.

15. Governing Law

These General Terms and Conditions and the Services provided to Users are governed by Italian law within the limits established by applicable laws.

16. Jurisdiction

For any dispute arising from the interpretation, application and execution of these General Termsand Conditions, the Italian Court of the Forum in which the User is resident shall havejurisdiction. If the User does not usually reside in Italy, but in another state of the EuropeanUnion, the User may, alternatively, also apply to the Courts of the district of the city in which heor she habitually resides.

17. Contact

I am the paragraph text. You can edit me by clicking on me. Additional options are available through the menu on the right side of the page.

18. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions

Casavo reserves the right, at its sole discretion, without notice and/or communication, to modify the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions at any time; Users will be able to consult them in the most current version on the Website or the App.

Milan, March 1st 2023